Wednesday, May 14, 2008

MS CRM 4.0 Bulk Import

Hi All,

We can use our custom mappings for excel imports. When we try to import foreign keys(GUID fields) and use our custom mappings we get the error : "The source data is not in the required format" with error code of 80040356. To solve this, we can let MS CRM map our GUID type fields.

Prepare an excel which has the column names just the same with attribute names of the entity which you are trying to execute excel import for. When you try to import this excel, MS CRM will do it's own mapping automatically. And you can import even your guid fields easily.

Using Advanced Find makes easy to set the entity column names as excel column headers.

There's a helper blog below which will help you for bulk excel import.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

CRM 4.0 - Workflow Problem After Importing New Organization

Hi All,

After deleting or disabling an organization and import a new organization by using MS CRM 4.0 Deployment Manager, the workflow rules which had been created when the other organization was active may not work.
MS is currently aware of this issue and they will publish an hotfix for the issue (

The error message which you may encounter is below:
Received SQL Exception accessing organization {B0C47547-14B8-DC11-AFCA-0013724BA161}. Exception: Microsoft.Crm.Metadata.EntityMetadataNotFoundException: The entity with ObjectTypeCode = 0 was not found in the MetadataCache. at Microsoft.Crm.Metadata.DynamicMetadataCache.GetEntity(Int32 entityCode) at Microsoft.Crm.Asynchronous.QueueDataAccess.GetEntityLogicalNameFromObjectTypeCode(Int32 objectTypeCode) at Microsoft.Crm.Asynchronous.QueueDataAccess.GetLookup(Object objectId, String objectIdName, Int32 objectDsc, Int32 objectTypeCode) at Microsoft.Crm.Asynchronous.QueueDataAccess.<>c__DisplayClass2.b__0(Object[] values) at Microsoft.Crm.Asynchronous.DataAccessBase.ExecuteSqlCommandAndProcessRecords(IDbCommand command, RecordProcessor recordProcessor) at Microsoft.Crm.Asynchronous.QueueDataAccess.SelectEvents(Int32 numberOfEvents)

As o solution, I recreated the workflows after importing the new organization. If you find an another solution could you please write it as a comment.

CRM 4.0 - Changing CRM Server Url Or Port

Hi All,

Changing MS CRM 4.0 server url or port is more complicated than changing the url and port info of MS CRM 3.0 Server. A KB article o this subject is published by Microsoft.

Below you can find the steps which are also explained in the article.
1. Change the MS CRM server URL in the MS CRM server registry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM registry key. Change ServerUrl string value with the new url/port info of crm server.
2. Your can find LocalSDKPort registry value under the same registry key. Change this value with the new port decimal value.
3. Update the MSCRM_Config database. In the MSCRM_Config database there's a table named DeploymentProperties. Update the ADSdkRootDomain, ADWebApplicationRootDomain, AsyncSdkRootDomain values, which are in this table, with the new url/port information.

Update DeploymentProperties SET NvarCharColumn = '' WHERE ColumnName = 'ADSdkRootDomain'
Update DeploymentProperties SET NvarCharColumn = '' WHERE ColumnName = 'ADWebApplicationRootDomain'
Update DeploymentProperties SET NvarCharColumn = '' WHERE ColumnName = 'AsyncSdkRootDomain'

4. If IFD URL information is entered change also IFD URL information with the new url/port information.

After all restart IIS and Async service.